Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Gear for endure races in winter. Part #2 Boots and overshoes

"If both shoes are tight, you may have incorrectly selected your legs".(С)

ALL this is ONLY MY experience and opinion.
So in my post #1  I talked about what kind socks better to use in winter time.
In this part I will talk about boots and overshoes
Often I hearing same question " What kind  boots you prefer?"
I am still looking for!!! And also very important for HOW LONG ride|race will be  and what kind TEMPERATURE ?
I did same races 3-4 times year after year.. Same course but always DIFFERENT temperature.
So what could be good one year , because temperature was warm year is not..

Socks and boos combination - very important part of winter trips and endure races

So  the MAIN RULE -  WINTER BOOTS HAVE TO BE 2 SIZE up than  your regular size